Beechcraft Bonanza
Tail Number: N1CE
Submitted by: User
About Me

My Panel (Before and After)
My panel was pretty well equipped even before putting in the Aspen, including a Garmin GNS 480 with GPSS and WAAS, and an MX-20. The Aspen relaced a KCS 55A HSI and a vacuum Tactair 4” attitude indicator. A Xerion Auracle was installed at the same time as the Aspen, replacing previous tachometer, fuel flow, manifold pressure, EGT, CHT, IAT, TIT instruments. I wanted to decrease weight and eliminate the vacuumsystem, as well as provide the much increased functionality of the Aspen.
Legend for Panel Picture
1,2. Narco 165 Transponder, #2 Garmin SL 60 GPS, PSE 7000 Audio Panel, steam gauge type ILS Indicator and IVSI.
3. Steam gauge Air Speed indicator.
4. Steam Gauge Altimeter.
5. Aspen PFD (Attitude, HSI, etc., etc. Solid State – no moving parts) with backup battery and #4 GPS.
6. Switch for battery operation control of backup (or primary) RCAllen 2600 Attitude Indicator.
7. NMS 2001 (FMS and #3 GPS)
8. Backup (or primary) RC Allen 2600 Attitude indicator (Solid State)
9. Xerion Auracle Engine Control EFIS.
10. Vista Nav (Bendix AV8OR) FMS, 2D, 3D Synthetic Vision, Att digital gyro (with weather, TAWS. WAAS #5 GPS)
11. Garmin MX 20 Map Display with TCAS, Stormscope, TAWS.
12. Garmin GNS480 WAAS, #1 GPS FMS.
13. S-Tec 60-2 autopilot control with vertical speed, altitude preselect, and ILS and GPS WAAS coupling
14. Digital main and aux fuel gauge (no more accurate than the old ones).
Not shown – Backup Alternator (B&C) Indicator. Ship is all electric. (No vacuum).