Aspen Evolution Demonstrates its Performance in Czech Warbirds
Installations upgrade 1960s panels to Aspen glass
Albuquerque, NM, June 9, 2011: Aspen Avionics has long enjoyed a customer list comprised of a wide variety of aircraft, but now that list has become more extensive with two L-39 owners upgrading their 1960s-era panels with the Aspen Avionics Evolution system.
The Aero Vodochody L-39 is a low-wing, all-metal turbofan-powered aircraft with tandem seating designed for basic and advanced training, including weapons delivery and light attack missions. While newer versions are now replacing older L-39s in service, thousands remain in active service as trainers, and many are finding new homes with private owners all over the world.
Two such owners are Walt Woltosz and Jim Thompson, both of whom chose to upgrade their L-39 panels with an Aspen Evolution System. Woltosz is Chief Executive Officer of Simulations Plus, Inc. (Nasdaq:SLP), a company that develops pharmaceutical software for use in research and education. Woltosz saw Aspen Avionics in aviation magazines and read the reviews, long before he saw the system in person. He says, “I wanted the same capability in my L-39 as I have in my Citation. The L-39 is not a hard IFR airplane; it’s a fun airplane, but when I’m IFR, I want everything going for me.”
Jim Thompson is President and Chief Executive Officer of ORIX USA, a diversified financial and advisory service provider. He had been flying conventional airplanes for years when it occurred to him to “mix things up a bit and get back to the joy of flying.” The result was buying the L-39. After all, he says simply, “It’s a jet—and a well-engineered one at that.” Thompson installed Aspen’s PFD and MFD in the front panel and a PFD in the rear panel. About his new panel, Thompson says, “It’s easy to read and presents a lot of information. The interface is intuitive which is really what people want.”
“One of our early customers was the AeroShell Aerobatic Team which installed our system in their AT-6s. Now with hundreds of aerobatic flight hours in the T-6s, as well as in Extras, P-51s, and other aerobatic airframes, Aspen’s robust AHRS has met the challenge with ease,” says Aspen Vice President of Marketing Brad Hayden. “With more than 4000 customers, Aspen systems are found in aircraft we had never considered a target—such as the Aero Vodochody L-39. Better than anything, this speaks to Aspen’s ability to perform in a variety of aircraft platforms and mission profiles.”
Dozens of Aspen owners have provided photographs of their airplanes and panels, along with their unedited comments about their installation and flying experience at Aspen’s Customer Gallery, which may be viewed at About Aspen Avionics, Inc.
Aspen Avionics specializes in bringing the most advanced technology and capability from the commercial and business aviation markets into general aviation cockpits—and budgets. Our products increase situational awareness and reduce pilot workload, making it easier and safer to fly in both VFR and IFR conditions. The way we look at it, getting the latest avionics technology shouldn’t always mean spending a lot of money—on equipment or installation. At Aspen Avionics, we design products to be affordable, easy to install, and easy to own.